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Circular Economy Expert Peru

Position: Business Manager

Organization: National Cleaner Production Center, Colombia

Fields of Expertise: Cleaner Production in different sectors, Sustainable Public Procurement, Eco-innovation, Projects Financial Management 


Adriana is a Chemical Engineer from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín (Colombia). She holds an MSc. in Environmental Managament and Auditing from the Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). She has worked as Project Manager at the National Cleaner Production Center  of Colombia (CNPML) since 1998 when the organization was established. Later, Adriana worked as Technical Director and currently she is the Business Manager at CNPML. She has been represeting to CNPML in the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee (2017-2019) of the  10YFP SPP Programme. She has managed different sustainability projects and has advised the conception of the National Policy on Sustainable Production and Consumption in Colombia. She is a very good speaker represeting his country in international events and consultancy projects. Furtheremore, Adriana is professor in different local universities in the fields of Cleaner Production and Environmetnal Management.

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